World Association of Chinese
                Studies (WACS) - Seal


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                of Chinese Studies (WACS) - Header

World Association for Chinese Studies

中 文版本 | ACADEMIC JOURNALS | CONFERENCE 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | FOUNDINGBYLAWS | MEMBERSHIP | DOWNLOAD MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION | 期 刊1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22 | REWARDS | PHOTO GALLERY | DONATE & LEGAL INFOS

Registration is now open for the 5th World Congress for Chinese Studies, August, 2021 in Witten and Brussels (Invitation Letter, Email contact)

這裏在綫注冊參加2021 年于德 國舉辦第 五届 世界漢學论坛 (下載邀請 函)。, 電 子郵件聯系).





World Association for Chinese Studies e.V. (NGO/NPO)





主辦 方                                  承辦


世 界漢學研究會自2016宣告成立以來已有來自世界40多 個國家和地區的漢學家、學者及 作家加盟。為推 進漢學的深入發展,促進中國與東西方學界的團結與合作,世界漢學研究會舉辦「第五 屆世界漢學論壇。素仰閣下於漢學研究造詣精深,特請撥冗與會並發表關於____________________ ________________________〉的報告茲將初擬會議相關事宜奉聞如後,佇候賜覆會議網站為 http://
請 注冊(上 交在綫回执的时间延至2 28參加 2021年于德國和比利時布魯塞爾同 辦第五届世界漢學论我们也打算把所有的 论文在论文集发表,最佳论文将在国际杂志上发表。



會 議定於202187-9日召開,86日晚上簽到,7-8日 下午學術研討會,9去第二個會議地點比 利時布魯塞爾),9日學術研討會及閉 幕,10-13日跟歐洲不同國家(荷兰、法国等)的漢學教授討論科研合 作,14日離會(直接從比 利時布魯塞爾飛回國)。



德 國維藤大學(Witten/Herdecke University, 位於德國北威州魯爾區(Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58455 Witten)最近的機場杜塞 爾多夫(Düsseldorf請提前通知會務組安排接送班車。與會者也可以自己從機場火車站乘坐火車(RE“) 到維 藤市站(票價大概20歐 元,不需要轉車,總 共大致需要90分鐘)。一般不提供接送服務如有需要,務必提前單獨與會務組商量。會務組會提供德國到 比利时的班車票(大概120歐元)。



1、古今中國文化研 究的新發現

2、中外中國文化研 究的比較與融合

3、中外漢學不同範 疇的分類研究

4、中國古今文學的 翻譯與國際傳播

5、中國文學史反 思、華文文學研究


7、其他相關中國歷 史文化(文学、哲学、语言学、历史学、考古学、红学、曹学、地理学、 書法、音樂、美術,也包括現當代文化、政治、數位化等)專題研究




2、中国文学西方年輕翻译家论坛:以项目、 数据库及培训为主题;


中國 古代小說戲曲文獻研究的……

1……最新 進展和成果;

2……進一 步發展;

中國 古代小說戲曲數位化研究的……

3……最新 進展和成果;



1、個人在綫回執或者 http://shijiehanxue.mikecrm. com/Pb6UKYt

2、小組:組織4-6人小組(含單元主題、參會做簡短報告的人、討論者和主持 人),由小組代表向籌委會申請。

3、分 会: 由地域與專業分會會長組織申請,可含數個小組。



會議使用中文與英文兩種語言,會務組同時配 備←→同聲傳譯(待確認)。


六、 論文要求

1、申請參會者需提交規範的學術論文一篇,並就此作簡短口頭 報告。



4、論文語言可以是中文(12000個漢字左右)或者英文(6000詞左右)。中文論文須符合規範要求,即請在 論文標題之下標明作者姓名及國別、供職單位;如有注釋請採用腳注形式,全文注釋每頁重 新編號。英文論文請按國際規範寫作。論文需要有理論基礎,表明研究方法,反映最新的文 摘資料,要討論性和批評性,不要只是描述性,要第一次發表。



七、與會費用(注:請貴賓和青年學者直接跟會務組聯 繫,可減免部分費用)

會議 收取會務費130歐元/人(會員95歐元/人),其餘會議期間的費用由主辦方承擔。交 通費、住宿費自理。2021531日前 預付住宿費,單人間每晚約95歐元,雙人房每人約75歐元,一共如果至少參加3天需要那就至少預付500歐元(有發票)。去比利時單程 飛機票120歐元 (現場繳納住宿費,預計單人間每晚約120歐元,雙人房每人約90歐元,所以當場總共需要多要繳納100多歐元,同時會務組也無法保證是否還有剩餘 房間)。

與會費用支付方式:預付也可以用人民幣、微信或支付寶。如需使用大學公務卡, 也可以先個人付錢,當場會務組退錢後再刷卡。歐洲不接受銀聯卡(UnionPay)和大陸公務卡(因銀行技術問題)。

酒店信息:德國酒店英文地址為Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Am Stadtgarten 1, 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Germany,, +49 209 1760;比利時酒店:Thon Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 543 33 11



吳漠汀,手機: +49 178 207 3538/+86 150 1138 8818, 郵箱:

微信:good_old_cathay、李夏德、勝雅律、周文业、游天蔚,手機:+86 137 7666 1766



收 到本邀請函後,請您及時填寫《會議回執》並於20212月底前以在綫形式發上傳給會議學術委員會電子郵箱申請公務護照和簽證需要時間)。



吳漠汀(Martin Woesler,德國召集人維藤大學, Al­fred-Herr­hau­sen-St. 50, 58448 Witten


游天蔚 (You Tianwei
中國召集人) 南京







申請簽證時在當地的身份麻煩填Martin Woesler, Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 50, 58448 Witten, Germany, phone +49 2302/926-866, fax -813











一級標題設置兩倍行距之後,再空一行;二級標題頂格不空 行。

論 文需要理論基礎,表示研究方法,反映最新的文摘資料,要討論性和批評性,不要只是描述 性,要第一次發表。


最好避免注釋。最好每一段後面加來源:(Liu 2010, 15)


    所有的數字英文都用Times New Roman字體(包括封面、摘要、正文、參考文獻等所有的)。


    簡介包括生活照片、姓名、性別、工作單位及職稱、研究方 向、著作等、電子郵件地址。



Jin Wenlu 靳文璐. (2019). 机器翻译可以取代人工翻译吗? [Can machine translation replace human translation?]. 智库时代 Think Tank Times (40) 282-284.

Liu Miqing 刘宓庆. (2010). 翻译基础 [Translation Basis]. Shanghai: East China Normal University 华东师范大学.






World Association for Chinese Studies e.V. (NGO/NPO)





Organizer                                                                           Host


5th World Congress of Chinese Studies


- Invitation Letter (edition 1.1) -

August 7-9, 2021 Witten/Germany, Brussels/Belgium


Dear ________________,



To celebrate the founding of the World Association for Chinese Studies (WACS) back in 2016, to promote Chi­nese Studies and to foster the cooperation between the Chinese and Western worlds of Chinese Studies, the World Association for Chinese Studies on August 7-9, 2021 at Witten/Herdecke University conducts the con­fe­rence “5th World Conference for Chinese Studies”. We kindly invite you to participate with a paper on __________________________________________________________. See: Register until February 28, 2021 for the 5th World Congress for Chinese Studies August, 2021 in Witten and Brussels.


1.      Time

August 7-9, 2021 (arrival and conference registration Aug 6, presentations at Witten University Aug 7 – 8, travel to Brussels Aug 9, presentations in Brussels Aug 9, Closing Ceremony Aug 9 afternoon, discussion about possibilities of scholarly cooperation with European Sinologists (incl. Netherlands, France etc.) Aug 10-13, De­parture Aug 14).


2.      Venue

University Witten/Herdecke, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58448 Witten, Germany. Airport ist Duesseldorf (DUS), detailed information how to travel by train (called “RE”) to the hotel (direct train) will be provided (pick-up service needs to be ordered seperately). There is a bus from Dusseldorf to Brussels. We recommend to buy a plane ticket to Dusseldorf (arriving August 6), and from Brussels back (August 14). The conference organizing committee can help early birds to get a conference bus ticket from Dusseldorf to Brussels for about 120 Euros.


3.      Topics

1 Traditional and Premodern Chinese Studies; 2 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Studies; 3 Chinese History, Philosophy, Politics, Literature or Culture; 4 New findings in Chinese Studies, 5 Comparison & integration of Guoxe and Non-Chinese Chinese Stu­dies, 6 Different aspects of Chinese Studies, 7 Chinese literature in translation and international dissemi­na­tion, 8 Research on Higher Education in China and abroad, 9 Reflexions on Chinese Literary History and on sinophone literature, 10 Related to­pics in Chi­nese Studies (Literature, Philosophy, Linguistics, History, Kaogu, Redology, Cao Xueqin Studies, Geography, Calligraphy, Music, Politics, Economics etc.).


4.      Types of Proposals

I              Individual Paper proposals

II             Organized Panels proposals: These proposal types should include: A panel title, a Chair, 3-6 Paper Presenters, and a Moderator/Discussant.

III            Branch Association proposals by various and different professional branch association of WACS.


5.      Conference Languages

Chinese, English, simultaneous translation cannot be guaranteed


6.      Contribution requirements

a.      Please register now or February 28, 2021 the latest, online at

b.     Every participant decides if he/she contributes a paper, summed up in a short oral presentation. Special guests may have individual arrangements.

c.      The abstracts received will be reviewed and all applicants will be notified. Please wait for the confir­ma­tion before submitting your paper until March 31, booking hotels/flights or paying any conference fee.

d.     Please send a draft of the full paper (6,000 words in English or 12,000 characters in Chinese) until May 31, 2019 by email to the organizing committee ( - no extension possible, papers not submitted after May 31 will be considered rejected).

e.      If you want to participate in the conference, please submit the online registration form to the con­fe­rence organizing committee or register online. The conference papers will be edited and published in a conference volume, and a selection of the Chinese papers will be published in journals too, e.g. in European Journal of Sinology or the European Journal of Chinese Studies.


7.      Conference Attendance Fees            

If you are a keynote speaker, please contact the conference committee to waive all fees. There is a fee for the cultural excursion/bus travel from Witten to Brussels (120 € single fare). Please arrange international travel to Witten (Duesseldorf Airport – NOT Frankfurt Airpoirt) by yourself. Accommodation in Germany and Brussels, also for ac­com­panying family members, will be arranged by the conference orga­ni­zing team at conference discount rates (95 € each night, double rooms 150 € for two people or 75 € for each person). Hotel prices are subject to adjustment, espe­cially for late bookers. Please note that all participants have to use provided accomodation, if you book any­thing by yourself, you still need to pay the hotel room provided to you by the organizers. In case of suffi­cient participants and funds, the organizers provide ca­tering, shuttle bus service and conference inter­pretation. A minimum non-refundable deposit of 500 € for any participation of at least 3 days has to be paid until April 30, 2019, either by credit card (+3.9% fee), Paypal (+5.5% fee) or by in­ter­national bank transfer. The early deposit is necessary to get the discounted hotel rates, late pay­ment results in a more expensive room charge in the form of a general 100 € late payment fee. The de­posit will be used upon ac­co­modation for 3-4 nights and other occuring costs. If you are a pa­tron member and want to use credit from your patron membership account, please indicate the amount (only conference fee can be deducted, because the other costs are third party costs actually occuring). Hotel address in Germany: Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Am Stadt­garten 1, 45879 Gel­senkirchen, Germany,, +49 209 1760. In Brussels: Thon Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 543 33 11.


8.      Registration

Please send the online registration form back until February 28, 2021 (or as soon as possible), together with a title of your paper, an abstract and a photo/copy of the photo page of the passport. After a quality assurance process, the conference program and the list of participants will be finalized. Please submit the the payment until April 30, 2021 and the final paper until May 31, 2021.


9.      Contact Organizing Secretariat

Martin Woesler (Europe/China, Conference Convener) mobile:
+49 178 2073538, in China: +86 150 1138 8818, email:, WhatsApp +86 150 1138 8818, WeChat good_old_cathay

·        Richard Trappl, Harro von Senger, Zhou Wenye, You Tianwei +86 137 7666 1766




吳漠汀(Martin Woesler,德國召集人維藤大學, Al­fred-Herr­hau­sen-St. 50, 58448 Witten


游天蔚 (You Tianwei
中國召集人) 南京







申請簽證時在當地的身份麻煩填Martin Woesler, Alfred-Herrhausen-Str. 50, 58448 Witten, Germany, phone +49 2302/926-866, fax -813

Payment information 付 款資訊



Please make sure to pay a minimum non-refundable fee of 500 € until April 30, 2021.

O   通過銀行帳 至帳戶名World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., 帳號DE26430601290303952500銀行號碼GENODEM1BOC銀行名稱和地址Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany 德國波鴻市 / by bank payment to account World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., IBAN DE26430601290303952500SWIFT GENODEM1BOCBank: Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany

O   請閣下於430日 前使用信用卡付款(押金包括房費),並煩請將信用卡資料傳真至+49 234 701230或者掃描並發給信用卡手續費為3.9%,非歐洲學者Paypal手續費為5.5%Please charge my credit card for the total amount (including accomodation) + 3.9% service fee, 類型type _____________, 帳號 no. _______________________________________, 到期日 exp. date ___/___, 卡上的姓名 name on card __________________________, 卡反面的三 three digits on back side ____, 帳戶 對帳單地 址 address statements are sent to: ___________________________________________________(address). Please fax this form to +49 234 701230 or scan it and send it by email to 使用Paypal付款要加5.5%銀行手續費,如以信用卡資訊傳真至+49234701230,銀行手續費則為3.9%If you pay by credit card, the bank service charge is 3.9%.

O   From Europe, you can pay the total via Paypal, please copy the following into your browser: 支付方式:在歐洲,可以通過Paypal支 付您的費用,請複製下列網址到您的流覽器: bqbPqi. From outside Europe: button_id=LRGYASP79UVCJ. If you pay by Paypal from outside Europe or the USA, you need to pay 5.5% more for the bank service charge.



WACS (Chinese)



World Association for Chinese Studies e.V. (NGO/NPO)

(WACS) Non-Government Organization, Not-for-profit Organization

[英文/德文:] Im Westenfeld 18, 44801 Bochum, Germany, e.V. vertreten durch den 1. Vorsitzenden Prof. Dr. Martin Woesler, Bochum VR 4778, gemeinnützig, Steuer Nr. 350/5702/8186,, 銀行帳戶號碼DE26430601290303952500銀行號碼GENODEM1BOC銀行Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany 德國波鴻市大學路70郵編44789


世界漢學研究會成員申請表Membership Application Form
O I have read and agree to the Bylaws ( and hereby apply for membership.
Name __________________________________
Title O Dr., O Professor (O Assis., O Assoc.)
Affiliation (employer or for (grad./PhD) students: university/scholarly institution) _______________________________
work address (incl. phone): __________________________________________________
private address (incl. phone): ___________________________________________________
mobile (if several please specify for which country/continent): _________________________
Chat contact: WeChat _______________ / WhatsApp ___________________ / Skype ______________________
I am
O a student under 26 years old and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 15 US$)
O an individual and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30 US$)
😯我是自由职业者,我同意每年 缴纳___spacer会费(至少30美元会费)
O an institution and agree to pay _______ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)
O patron and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)
O lifetime patron and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 3,0000 US$)
All above receive the annual publication, an invitation to the conference member reception and can request a tax deductable receipt.
以上成员将每年定期收到出版物,会议邀请函,可以索要税费 发票。
I want to become a donor member and donate the following amount for special status ("lifetime" for institutions means 30 years):
O donor  and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 1000 US$)
O lifetime donor and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 30,000 US$)
The higher the amount paid/donated is, the more privileges are included. Please check the "reward catalogue for preferred members" (receptions, free publications, free accomodation during conferences etc.) on the website of the annual conference.
Membership fees for not-for-profit corporations are donations and are reductunable with your tax declaration.
Payment details:
O Please charge my credit card type _________________, no. _______________________________________, exp. date ___/___, name on card __________________________, three digits on back side ____, address statements are sent to: ________________________________________________________
O I pay the amount within the next 7 days
  O by check endorsable to ...
  O by bank payment to account ...

Date, Place, Signature

„World Association for Chinese Studies“ Membership Application Form


非 盈利性機構的會費最後是被捐贈的,並抵扣相關稅費。 Membership fees for not-for-profit corporations are donations and are reductable with your tax declaration. 繳 納/捐贈的資金越多,享有的服務越多越細緻。請仔細閱讀會員等級說明(含招待會的邀請、免費得到出版/免費會議住宿等)關於年會的網頁( The higher the amount paid/do­na­ted is, the more privileges are included. Please check the "reward catalogue for preferred members" (receptions, free publications, free accomodation during conferences etc.) on the website of the annual conference (


O本人已經閱讀並同意章程 ( 成員申請免則說明條款並注冊入會 I have read and agree to the Bylaws ( and hereby apply for membership.

[中 文]姓名__________________________________, [English] Name __________________________________,性別 sex O m, O f, O 其他other, 國籍 Nationality_________________________________, 工作國家 Working Country _________________________________, 職稱 Title O  Dr.博士, O  Professor 教授 (O  Assis. 助理教授, O  Assoc. 副教授) , 任職 單位Affiliation (學生:大學/學院// employer or for (grad./PhD) students: university/scholarly institution) _______________________________________,電子郵箱email ________________________. I additionally apply for or am member of the following branch association: 我同時注冊入所在分會: ______________________________________________ optional 可以留空

辦公地址、郵編、電話work address (incl. phone): ___________________________________________________________________

私人地址、郵編、電話private address (incl. phone): ________________________________________________________________

手機號碼(請標明國家)mobile (please specify country code): ________________________________________________________

即時聊天工具 Chat contact: 微信 WeChat _______________ / WhatsApp ___________________ / Skype ______________________

主要研究結果/興趣 Main research findings/interests: ___________________________________________________________________

我 是 I am

O 26歲以下的學生,我同意每年繳納 ____ 會費(至少15美元會費)a student under 26 years old and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 15 US$) [出生日期 birth date_________________]

O 在職人員/個人,我同意每年繳納___會費(至少30美元會費) an individual and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30 US$)

O 組織,我們同意每年繳納___會費(至少100美元會費) an institution and agree to pay _______ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)

O 在職人員/個人,我希望成為貴賓成員並同 意每年繳納___會費(至少100美元會費)an individual, apply to become a patron member and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)

O在職人員/個人,我希望成為終身貴賓成員並同 意一次性繳納___會費(至少3,000美元會費)an individual, apply to become a lifetime patron and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 3,000 US$)

以上成員將每年定期收到出版物,會議邀請函,可以索要稅費發 票。All above receive the annual publication, an invitation to the conference member reception and can request a tax deductable receipt.

O 在職人員/個人或者組織,我希望成為捐贈者,並捐贈以下限額的資助 individual or institution, I want to become a donor member and donate the following amount for special status _____ US$ annually (minimum: 1,000 US$)

O在職人員/個人或者組織,我希望成為終身捐贈者,並捐贈以下限額的資助(終身對於組織來說是30年)同 意一次性終身捐贈_____美元(至少3萬美元)individual or institution, I want to become a lifetime donor member and donate the following amount for special status ("lifetime" for institutions means 30 years) _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30,000 US$)

O我同意我是成員的時候協會保存我這些資訊。I agree that the Association saves my data during my membership period.


支付 Payment details:

O 使用信用卡付款(押金包括房費),請閣下將信用卡資料傳真至+49 234 701230或者掃描並發給信用卡手續費為3.9%,非歐洲學者Paypal手續費為5.5%Please charge my credit card for the total amount (including accomodation) + 3.9% service fee, 類型type _____________, 帳號 no. _______________________________________, 到期日 exp. date ___/___, 卡上的姓名 name on card __________________________, 卡反面的三 three digits on back side ____, 帳戶 對帳單地 址 address statements are sent to: ___________________________________________________(address). Please fax this form to +49 234 701230 or scan it and send it by email to

O 我將於7日內支付會費I pay the amount within the next 7 days 通 過銀行帳至帳 戶名World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., 帳號DE26430601290303952500銀行號碼GENODEM1BOC銀行名稱和地址Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany 德國波鴻市 / by bank payment to account World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., IBAN DE26430601290303952500SWIFT GENODEM1BOCBank: Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany


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Conference Schedule 活動行程

5th World Conference of Chinese Studies 2021




20210806日至14 -  Aug 6-14, 2021

會議行程 -  Conference Program


Day 0 Fri Aug 6

全日 whole day

抵達杜塞爾多夫Düsseldorf機場簽到 Conference Registration; 18:00洗塵餐敘住宿:Maritim酒店 Arrival Düsseldorf Airport, Welcome Dinner, Accomodation: Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Am Stadtgarten 1, 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Germany,, +49 209 1760


Day 1 Sat Aug 7

上午 prenoon

8:00-12:00參加「第五屆世界漢學論壇」開幕式、主題演講。Conference Opening, Keynotes.



13:00-18:00參加「第五屆世界漢學論壇」小組討論。住宿Maritim酒店 Conference: Panels. Accomodation: Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Am Stadtgarten 1, 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Germany,, +49 209 1760



Day 2 Sun Aug 8

上午 prenoon




13:00-18:00參加「第三屆世界漢學論壇」小組討論。住宿:Maritim酒店 Conference: Panels. Accomodation: Maritim Hotel Gelsenkirchen, Am Stadtgarten 1, 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Germany,, +49 209 1760


Day 3 Mon Aug 9

上午 prenoon

7:00-11:00大 巴去比利時布魯塞爾Travel to Brussels by bus. 住宿Thon Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 543 33 11



13:00-18:00參加「第五屆世界漢學論壇」小組討論,閉幕式住宿酒店, Conference: Lectures, Closing Ceremony. Accomodation: Thon Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 543 33 11

810-13日星 期二至星期五

Day 4-7 Tue Aug 10-13

上午 prenoon

9:30-12:00, 13:00-16:30 參觀孔子學院 Visit of Confucius Institute歐洲不同大學教授討論科研合作



13:00-18:00歐洲不同大學教授討論科研合作住宿酒店, Accomodation: Thon Bristol Stephanie, Avenue Louise 91-93, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 543 33 11


Day 8 Sat Aug 14


whole day

出境賦歸 Departure from Brussels.

Part of the conference participants stay for a work meeting week.

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