World Association of Chinese
                Studies (WACS) - Seal


World Association
                of Chinese Studies (WACS) - Header

World Association for Chinese Studies


[German version in preparation. This is the Chinese and English version. Download pdf here.]


World Association for Chinese Studies e.V. (NGO/NPO)

(WACS) Non-Government Organization, Not-for-profit Organization

[英文/德文:] Im Westenfeld 18, 44801 Bochum, Germany, e.V. vertreten durch den 1. Vorsitzenden Prof. Dr. Martin Woesler, Bochum VR 4778, gemeinnützig, Steuer Nr. 350/5702/8186,, 银行账户号码DE26430601290303952500银行号码BYLADEM1001,银行Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany 德国波鸿市,大学路70,邮编44789

国际汉学研究会成员申请表Membership Application Form
O I have read and agree to the Bylaws ( and hereby apply for membership.
Name __________________________________
Title O Dr., O Professor (O Assis., O Assoc.)
Affiliation (employer or for (grad./PhD) students: university/scholarly institution) _______________________________
work address (incl. phone): __________________________________________________
private address (incl. phone): ___________________________________________________
mobile (if several please specify for which country/continent): _________________________
Chat contact: WeChat _______________ / WhatsApp ___________________ / Skype ______________________
I am
O a student under 26 years old and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 15 US$)
O an individual and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30 US$)
O an institution and agree to pay _______ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)
O patron and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)
O lifetime patron and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 3,000 US$)
All above receive the annual publication, an invitation to the conference member reception and can request a tax deductable receipt.
I want to become a donor member and donate the following amount for special status ("lifetime" for institutions means 30 years):
O donor  and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 1000 US$)
O lifetime donor and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 3,000 US$)
The higher the amount paid/donated is, the more privileges are included. Please check the "reward catalogue for preferred members" (receptions, free publications, free accomodation during conferences etc.) on the website of the annual conference.
Membership fees for not-for-profit corporations are donations and are reductunable with your tax declaration.
Payment details:
O Please charge my credit card type _________________, no. _______________________________________, exp. date ___/___, name on card __________________________, three digits on back side ____, address statements are sent to: ________________________________________________________
O I pay the amount within the next 7 days
  O by check endorsable to ...
  O by bank payment to account ...

Date, Place, Signature

„World Association for Chinese Studies“ Membership Application Form


非盈利性机构的会费最后是被捐赠的,并抵扣相关税费。 Membership fees for not-for-profit corporations are donations and are reductable with your tax declaration. 缴纳/捐赠的资金越多, 享有的服务越多越细致。请仔细阅读会员等级说明(含招待会的邀请、免费得到出版/免费会议住宿等)关于年会的网页( The higher the amount paid/do­na­ted is, the more privileges are included. Please check the "reward catalogue for preferred members" (receptions, free publications, free accomodation during conferences etc.) on the website of the annual conference (


O本人已经阅读并同 意章程 ( 成员申请免则说明条款並注冊入會 I have read and agree to the Bylaws ( and hereby apply for membership.

[中文]姓名__________________________________, [English] Name __________________________________,性別 sex O m, O f, O 其他other, 國籍 Nationality_________________________________, 工作國 家 Working Country _________________________________, 职称 Title O  Dr.博士, O  Professor 教授 (O  Assis. 助理教授, O  Assoc. 副教授) , 任职单位Affiliation (学生:大学/学院// employer or for (grad./PhD) students: university/scholarly institution) _______________________________________,电子邮箱email ________________________. I additionally apply for or am member of the following branch association: 我同時注冊入所在分 會: ______________________________________________ optional 可以留空

办 公地址、邮编、电话work address (incl. phone): ___________________________________________________________________

私 人地址、邮编、电话private address (incl. phone): ________________________________________________________________

手机号码(请说明国家)mobile (please specify country code): ________________________________________________________

即时聊天工具 Chat contact: 微信 WeChat _______________ / WhatsApp ___________________ / Skype ______________________

主要研究結果/興趣 Main research findings/interests: ___________________________________________________________________

我是 I am

O 26岁以下的学生,我 同意每年缴纳 ____ 会费(至少15美元会费)a student under 26 years old and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 15 US$) [出生日期 birth date_________________]

O 职业者,我同意每 年缴纳___会费(至少30美元会费) an individual and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30 US$)

O 组织,我们同意每 年缴纳___会费(至少100美元会费) an institution and agree to pay _______ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)

O 职业者,我希望成 为贵宾成员并同意每年缴纳___会费(至少100美元会费)an individual, apply to become a patron member and agree to pay _____ US$ annually (minimum: 100 US$)

O 职业者,我希望成 为终身贵宾成员并同意一次性缴纳___会费(至少3,000美元会费)an individual, apply to become a lifetime patron and agree to pay _____ US$ once (minimum: 3,000 US$)

以上成员将每年定期收到出版物,会议邀请函,可以索要税费发票。All above receive the annual publication, an invitation to the conference member reception and can request a tax deductable receipt.

O 职业者或者组织, 我希望成为捐赠者,并捐赠以下限额的资助 individual or institution, I want to become a donor member and donate the following amount for special status _____ US$ annually (minimum: 1,000 US$)

O 职业者或者组织, 我希望成为终身捐赠者,并捐赠以下限额的资助(终身对于组织来说是30年)同意一次性终身捐赠_____美元(至少3万美元)individual or institution, I want to become a lifetime donor member and donate the following amount for special status ("lifetime" for institutions means 30 years) _____ US$ annually (minimum: 30,000 US$)

O我同意我是成员的时候协会保存我这些信息。I agree that the Association saves my data during my membership period.


支付 Payment details:
O Paypal (You need a paypal account. Please click on the field "Donate" on the top left corner or pay by email.)
贝宝 (你先需要開一個贝宝賬戶,然後按左邊上邊的鏈接 “donate/Spenden”還是通 過電子郵件付錢。)
O Alipay (does not work yet) 支付寶(還不行,協會賬戶還沒有被建立)
O 请收取我的信用卡Please charge my credit card, 类型type _____________, 号码 no. _______________________________________, 到期日 exp. date ___/___, 卡上的姓名 name on card __________________________, 卡饭面的三 three digits on back side ____, 帐户对帐单地址 address statements are sent to: ___________________________________________________

O 我将在7天内完成支付 I pay the amount within the next 7 days 通过银行账至账户World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., 号码DE26430601290303952500银行号码BYLADEM1001,银行Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 70, 44789 Bochum, Germany 德国波鸿市 / by bank payment to account World Association of Chinese Studies e.V., IBAN DE26430601290303952500SWIFT BYLADEM1001Bank: Volksbank Bochum-Witten, Universitaetsstr. 67, 44789 Bochum, Germany

O 另外的支付法: 我等協會的通知用支付寶,微信等等Other payment methods (I wait for WACS information reg. Paypal or other).


本會聯繫方式 WACS contacts: 吳漠汀手機+86 150 1138 8818, 郵箱, Martin Woesler, +49 178 2073538

潘銘基 手機+852 9831 7491,郵箱, Poon Ming Kay: mobile +852 98317491, email:

日 期/签署地/签章 Date, Place, Signature   ______________________________________________________. 请打印、签署、扫描、通过电子邮件发给wacs@china-studies.com或者发传真发到+49 234 32-14993. Please print, sign, scan and send by email to: or fax to +49 234 32-14993.

请打印、签署、扫描、通过电子邮件发给info@china-studies.com或者发传真发到+49 234 701230. Please print, sign, scan and send by email to: or fax to +49 234 701230.

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