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European HLM Society

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Celebrating Cao Xueqin’s 300th Anniversary -
3rd International Dream of the Red Chamber Conference Europe

November 7-8, 2015 Essen/Germany

(download Invitation Letter and Program and Poster here in EN/DE/ZH)


To celebrate Cao Xueqin's 300th Anniversary, to promote Redology and to foster the cooperation between the Chinese and Western worlds of Redology, the Cao Xueqin Society (Peking) and the European Dream of the Red Chamber Society (Bochum) on November 7 and 8, the Folkwang University of Arts, jointly organize the conference “Celebrating Cao Xueqin's 300th Anniversary - 3rd Intl' Dream of the Red Chamber Conference Europe”. 30 international experts will present their findings, a film of the "Redchamberdream" dance performance will be shown.

Conference Topics (a detailed program will be published here in August 2015): I New findings in Caoxue; II Comparison and integration of Chinese and Non-Chinese Redology; III The Dream of the Red Chamber in translation and international dissemination; IV Reflexions on Redology History

Venue: Folkwang University of Arts, Sanaa Building, Gelsenkirchener St 209, 45309 Essen, Germany. Beijing Cao Xueqin Society is the host, European Dream of the Red Chamber Society the co-host, Folkwang University of Arts is the venue, Beijing Cao Xueqin Culture Development Foundation sponsors the event. Please register by August 15 with Prof. Dr. Martin Woesler or Prof. Dr. Duan Jingli, mail:, website:

        为纪念曹雪芹诞辰300周年,推进曹学、红学研究的深入发展,促进中西方红学界的团结与合作,北京曹雪芹学会与欧洲 红楼梦研究协会拟联合举办“欧洲纪念曹雪芹诞辰300周年国际学术研讨会”。来自全球的30个专家会报道研究结 果,晚上会有《红楼梦演舞》这部电影。

        会议议题 (仔细的会议议程8月份在这个网页上会有):        1、曹学的新发现;2、中外红学的比较与融合;3、《红楼梦》的翻译与国际传播;4、红学史反思。

        会议地点:德国富克旺根艺术大学,Sanaa Building, Gelsenkirchener St 209, 45309 Essen, Germany。本次会议由北京曹学会主办、欧洲红楼梦协会协办、(德国埃森)富克旺根艺术大学承办、北京曹雪芹文化发展基金会提供经费资助。请8月15 日通过联系人注册:段江丽(中国大陆)、吴漠汀(德国),邮箱。
Cao Xueqin
CC dave7dean
Euro Redology IIIsanaa_cc_jacqueline.poggi.jpg
CC jacqueline.poggi
CC arnie2105
Further information (Conference Program, Participating Institutions, Introduction & Hypotheses) will be available here soon.
Links to cooperation projects with Chinese universities (unrelated to the conference): Southwest Jiaotong University, Nanking University.